Under the University’s Student Engagement Policy & Procedure you are required to record a minimum of one supervisory meeting per month to demonstrate you are engaging with your programme. This was previously being recorded by submitting your Logbook in Moodle each month, but you will now be expected to record your meetings directly in PULSE. This means you will no longer need to submit your Logbook. However, we cannot transfer your historical supervisory meeting records from your Logbook into PULSE, so we recommend you keep a copy of your existing Logbook for your records. If there is an exceptional reason why you have been unable to have a supervisory meeting one month, you may record a contact touchpoint.
The contact should normally have been with a member of your supervisory team, but can exceptionally be with an appropriate faculty staff member (e.g. Faculty Research Officer or Programme Leader). The above information sets out the minimum requirements under the Student Engagement Policy and Procedure and you are strongly advised to meet with your First Supervisor on a more regular basis, even if it’s just to check-in. The recording of supervisory meetings and contact touchpoints was not just designed to monitor your engagement, it was also designed as a useful tool for you to use to monitor and record your progress with your research. As a result:
- You can log as many supervisory meeting records and/or contact touchpoints as you wish, provided you meet the minimum requirement set out above.
- You can keep track of when you have submitted work/chapters to your supervisor(s) for review and whether you have received feedback.
- You may find it helpful to record any agreed action points and deadlines for their completion to help you keep track of what you need to do and by when.
- Because your supervisor(s) need to sign-off your supervisory meeting records, it ensures that you both have the same understanding of what was discussed and what needs to happen next.
- You can use the contents of your supervisory meeting records to help inform the content of your Annual Progress Report (currently the RDA4a Form).