If you are applying for the Greenwich Hardship Fund (GHF) you will need to provide copies of your Student Entitlement Summary and University Payment Advice. These should be available on your Student Finance account that you use to mange your student loans.
You should be able to download PDF versions of these documents in the "letters and emails" section in your Student Finance Account.
If you follow these instructions, you should be able to save the documents you need for your application:
1. Go to www.logon.slc.co.uk and sign in.
2. On the homepage, click “letters and emails” at the top right.
3. Open the most recent “Notification of Entitlement” letter.
4. Click on the PDF and save it to your computer
It is really important to save the file as a PDF as other versions (e.g., screenshots or documents saved in word) cannot be used for the GHF.
Unfortunately if you can't remember your sign in details the university is unable to help reset or update them for you and you will need to use the "forgotten your email address or CRN" and "forgotten your password?" links on the sign in screen.