If you have a tuition fee balance that becomes overdue, we will contact you to arrange payment through the debt management procedure.
A tuition fee hold will automatically be applied to your account preventing you from:
- Requesting university letters (Student status; Council Tax letter, etc)
- Restrictions on viewing academic profile, grades, marks etc
- Links to submitting Extenuating Circumstances will be restricted
- Portal access limited – prevent access to coursework header sheets, ability to hand in/electronically submit coursework
- Use of Eduroam (Wi-Fi) revoked
- Moodle Access will be blocked
- Any certificates, qualification or result documents will not be produced.
If you are unable to pay, please review section 7 of the university tuition fee policy: 2023-24-tuition-fee-policy-and-procedures.pdf (gre.ac.uk)
We will assist where we can, through providing advice and support however you will need to complete a self-referral form: https://studentcentre.gre.ac.uk/support/create-sfselfreferral/ and a member of the team will be in touch.