
We understand that you might have a change in personal circumstances and want to leave your room in hall. This might be because you plan to interrupt or withdraw from your studies or because you are finding it difficult to pay the fees for the room, or because you do not like the hall environment. Or you might want to leave because you have finished your studies before the end of the academic year.

The team can help support you in staying in hall so you feel happy and comfortable, or explain next steps if you are leaving the university.

You are withdrawing from / interrupting study

You can make a leaving early request by following the link in your accommodation portal. Once approved, you will be given a 28 day notice period from the date the form was submitted and the team will confirm the arrangements for vacating hall and making your final fee payment (or arrangements for a refund if you have overpaid).

Your studies have finished for this academic year

You can leave hall at any time, however you will have to pay the fees on the room until the last date of your licence agreement. If you do decide to leave before the end of the licence period then please leave your room clean, tidy and empty and make sure you have also left the communal areas in a good condition. Have a chat to your flatmates about your decision to leave and carefully read the information about leaving hall on your check out form and the information emailed to you from the team. If you have any questions, chat to a Resident Assistant or raise an enquiry with the team.

When you leave, be sure to leave your key(s) with your hall reception team and if you do not receive an email within one working day confirming you have vacated hall, raise an enquiry to let us know you have moved out.

You are finding it difficult to pay the fees for the room

Make an appointment with the team and they can chat to you about payment plan options and give you information about the finance team and other support services in the university. If you decide you still want to leave hall, then you can complete the leaving early request via the link in your accommodation portal. If there is a waiting list of students looking for a room in hall, and your booking can be replaced by a new student, then you will be contacted with next steps.

You do not like living in hall, have problems with your flatmates or you have a medical/special need which makes hall life difficult

Chat to your resident assistant or make an appointment / raise an enquiry with the Accommodation Service team. The team can offer you advice, support and guidance to help you resolve the problems you might be experiencing and help you feel settled in hall.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by hall life or need any reasonable adjustments to help you feel more comfortable and settled, then you might find it helpful to make an appointment to chat to a member of the wellbeing team. Take a look at the wellbeing hub on your student portal for further information. 

If you decide you still want to leave hall, then you can complete the leaving early request via the link in your accommodation portal. If there is a waiting list of students looking for a room in hall, and your booking can be replaced by a new student, then you will be contacted with next steps.

Any other reason

Complete the leaving early request form via the link on your accommodation portal and you will be sent further information about next steps. However please remember that unless there is a new student who would like to move into your room, you will be responsible for the fee payments on the room until the end of your licence period. 

Raise an enquiry or make an appointment with the team, if you have any questions. 


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